The Empress

Good Morning from El Paso, Texas. My host at the AirBnB left me with this sacred space. All decor from India, very peaceful. I am blessed and abundant.

This mornings card is the 3rd card in the Major Arcana. I opened the book to read about it and it said ‘111. The Empress’. As the Universe guides me on my journey I’ve been watching the signs… when I looked at my app on my phone at a rest stop it said I had 333 miles to go, the next time I looked down at my speedometer it said 55.5 miles. It just so happens that my cousin’s house outside of Austin, Texas is 111 as well (There are no coincidences).

So what is she telling me? Well, with the hours ticking away on the Harley I listen to audiobooks. I’m listening now to different speakers from the Hay House HEAL Summit and last nights adventure was with Bruce Lipton. Bruce talks about how our mind works. His research is vast as a scientist. He talks about when we ‘think’ we automatically switch to our subconscious to do all of the tasks while we are thinking. Unfortunately, our subconscious if full of old programs from other people. Usually within the first 7 years of our life we are sponges and we absorb all of these programs from our parents, and most people on this planet are still struggling with these issues.

Recognition is the key. Mind you, I’m not going to get into fine detail about it, I’ll let you explore that yourself or write me and I will go into more detail.

Basically, most of us live with our subconscious mind ruling our lives. The only way to get out of this is to become ‘mindful’, shutting off our ‘thinking’ brain and becoming part of the experience. It becomes timeless like when you fall in love, you are mindful, you aren’t thinking all about anything but being in love, feeling the endorphins, basking in the ‘feeling’.

The Empress is about feeling. She is about being mindful, becoming the observer, basking in the beauty of our surroundings.

Today, as I am on my 500 mile adventure to Austin I will be observing the landscape around me. I will not be ‘thinking’.

Will you join me?


#followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

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