
Welcome to Sunday, May 13th which is an 11 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the High Priestess.


Yesterday I talked about ‘being’ and ‘doing’. Today we’re going to take that a step further and just sit in silence. With the power of the Master Number 11 it is telling us to trust our inner voice.

Yesterday I went on a 6+ hr. hike with friends. No electronics. Quiet. Peaceful. Just good company and the elements around us. When I was young, growing up in the woods of Western Massachusetts, this was a regular thing for me. I was quite the loner back then. I didn’t have a lot of friends except for those elements outside.

As we become busy in our lives we tend to leave our creative inner mind in the dust, always looking for that creativity again, somehow thinking that by ‘doing’ things that creativity will come back like some miracle.

Creativity comes when we stop talking and start listening. True wisdom lies within ourselves. All of the elements that we think that others have are within. It takes trust and listening to tap into these elements. Michael Bernard Beckwith said this, “Stop looking outside for help. Become still and listen.”

When I think of Jesus and all of the Dogma that has been spread for the thousands of years, as a society we have said that our inner voice should be silenced and that god, that something outside of ourselves, is much more special that who we are ourselves. I think Jesus or the concept of the Christ Consciousness is telling us that WE ARE GOD. John Lennon once said, “I am God.” and the media went crazy. What the media didn’t hear was this… “I am God and so are you.”

Today… go within. Tap into your inner knowing and trust it.

Today’s song is ‘TalkTalk’ by A Perfect Circle.

“Sit and talk like Jesus. Try walkin’ like Jesus.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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