Whirling Dervishes

Welcome to Sunday, January 21st, which is a 6 in Numerology.

Did anybody freak out last night? Well, I did and it was pretty bad. I felt the pressure on my shoulders and then I spiraled out of control like a whirling dervish. Even as I was losing control I grasped onto every rational thought that I could, but it didn’t matter… it still happened. It’s a horrible feeling to be so out of control. In hindsight, I should have taken a deep breath and let it all go. But, they do say that hindsight is 20/20.

Today’s card is the Six of Wands, Victory. Somewhere in my dreams last night I had crossed a threshold and combined with today’s energy of 33 it is letting me know that the freak out of last night was ego. It was the ego resisting change. You see, that whole freak out was completely unnecessary because there is only good coming my way… it’s good, but it’s unknown and the ego HATES the unknown. It want’s everything in a nice little package presented to us with a nice card telling us how awesome we are.

The 33, a Master Number and considered the Master Teacher is teaching us this; we have to know how awesome we are inside. We have to know that those that we surround ourselves with are there to help, not hinder. Again, it’s the ego trying to protect us from harm. The ego has no foresight. It smells fear and it attacks like a virus.

You have everything going for you today. Take a deep breath and know that the hard road is behind you and the people around you, your supporters, are there to cheer you on. Remember… this isn’t about you… it’s about what you can give to the world, and therefore, you will receive. That’s the way it works.

Today’s song is; Them Heavy People by Kate Bush

 “Wonderful teachers ready to teach me I must work on my mind. For now, I realize, every one of us has a heaven inside.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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