The Hierophant

Today’s card is the Hierophant. In some cards they refer to this as the pope or some sort of religious figure. I’m not fond of religion and some folks mistake religion for spirituality and vise-versa.

To me religion is suppression and a poison but there is a double edged sword that I have to acknowledge… it seems to work for some, and some of those people that it does work for I have a deep respect for.

I’m not here to interject my disclaimer (although I guess I just did). I am here to talk about spirituality and all of the mysteries of the world as much as I can in this limited space.

The Hierophant is a huge man being who has united duality within themselves. I look at people like Jesus, The Dalai Lama, Krishna, Buddha. Enlightened beings who can see both sides of the coin, who teach compassion instead of war, both for themselves and others.

I believe that everyone has the capacity to play this role, to be an example, to always be searching for a higher and better stature within themselves. .
I have the Flower of Life on my chest. This signifies that all of the elements are right there, we are born with everything, there is nothing within us that you can’t find in any great teacher. We are not ‘flawed’. There is no being greater than us, no more than our parents are greater than we are. There is a catch though…

What we believe we are, is who we become.

So start believing that you are the Hierophant. Find inspiration in everyone and everything. Be open to the forces around you and today you may learn something new.


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The Sacred Clown

Today’s card is the Sacred Clown, or The Fool in traditional tarot.

What the Sacred Clown is telling us is that we are not here to take life so seriously. We are here to explore, to take risks, to fail, to get back up and brush it off.

As children we first learn to crawl, and then we decided to walk… repeatedly we fell, but that didn’t stop us from doing it again and again, and if that wasn’t enough we took it a step (pun intended) further to running. Then we got our first bicycle, skateboard, climbed trees, rappelled off of mountains, etc. Fear was not in our vocabulary. We did things out of curiosity. We took those leaps of faith in love.

Every single one of us has broken out of our box and experienced something uncomfortable and unexpected. It’s in our human nature.

The Sacred Clown is reminding you of all of these times you’ve taken these leaps and is reminding you to never stop taking them.

What will you do today to break out of your comfort zone? Tap into that inner child who has never been afraid, always curious, always ready to live life to the fullest.


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Six of Swords

Welcome to Tuesday. Today’s card is the 6 of Swords. Transition.

So many of us get stuck in old patterns because of familiarity. It’s not that we necessarily enjoy the places we are stuck in, but familiarity has a certain comfort to it. The unknown is scary, it’s, well, unknown. It could be way worse, it could be way better. We will never know until we move past the fear (F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real). We would rather stay in an unhealthy relationship, job (J.O.B. – Just Over Broke) or place, because of this fear. At least we know where we stand, we can plan around these uncomfortable situations. You can’t plan around an unknown situation. Most people have to know what is around the corner, or what is ahead in their future.

I fall victim to this from time to time but I guess I must have made a soul contract with myself to accept this discomfort. I mean, I wouldn’t say that I enjoy it, but I can tell you this… there has not been a time in my life that I could tell you that I would be doing, living or ‘be’ing in my future. Because of this discomfort I have an amazing life, amazing friends, amazing and powerful relationships. Could there be room for improvement? Of course there could. If you’re not growing, you are dying.

If you are struggling… reach out to someone you trust. When you do you will get a different perspective and possibly you will see how amazing you are through another’s eyes.


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The Star

Today’s card is The Star. If you recall, yesterday’s card was The Tower. The Tower is the 16th Card. The Star is the 17th Card. I pick these cards randomly, but as I’ve stated before… there are no coincidences.

In the book for the Starman Tarot it starts by saying that we might still be recovering from the fall from the Tower, this is true… but what is also true is that you are powerful, you’ve always been powerful and today’s card is reaffirming this for you.

Yes, your past… you don’t like some of the things you’ve done, the short term relationships, the hurt, the moving every 5 or so years, or the staying in toxic relationships for too many years. Whatever your story might be, THIS IS NOT WHO YOU ARE!

Is it possible that the story you’ve been repeating for far too long is of your own self defeating doing? Is it possible that you are afraid of your power? Look at the people that you’ve touched around you… are they grateful for your presence in their lives? Well then, damn it! It’s time for you to smash that already broken record. It’s time for you to go to the book store and get a brand new blank book and start rewriting these pages.

Own your power. Release your old shit, and move the fuck on already!

I hope this slap in the face will help you get over yourself. I mean this in the most loving of ways.


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Queen of Cups

Today’s card is the Queen of Cups. Of any of the cards she embodies empathy. How many empaths do I have out there? Raise your hands.

As an empath myself, I know that we pick up on feelings. In most cases this can be a great thing if you are a healer, an artist, a politician. As Chris Cornell once sang, “Reach down and pick the crowd up.”

But, if we aren’t careful, if we don’t ground ourselves or get ample time alone we start taking on the characteristics of those around us. The Queen of Cups with her empathy can put herself in another’s shoes even if it’s to her detriment.

Today I would like you to feel these emotions. I want you to focus on yourself though, as scary as it might seem. All too often we don’t even know our own emotions because we are so focused on others.

When I do Reiki on clients I am careful to ground myself first. Too many times in my past I’ve taken on their emotions only to question myself later, asking, “Is this mine? Or is this someone else’s?”

So, again. Feel your feelings. Give yourself some alone time, so at the very least you know these are yours and not something you picked up along your path.


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The Ten of Wands

Hey! What’s the good word? Today’s card is the Ten of Wands. Oppression.

What a heavy word, but don’t let it weigh you down because this is a sign for you to lighten your load. I say this as I look at a huge pile of stuff here in the condo. Sorting through it is going to be a bitch. When I look at it all, I get overwhelmed and just want to pretend it’s not there.

This is a metaphor for the 10 of Wands. We have a hard time saying no so we keep piling our plate higher and higher. Why do you think we don’t say like to say no? Fear of rejection? Fear of not having enough? Probably both of these. But being aware of these you can take the steps towards changing it.

Yesterday I was hanging out with two very powerful friends. Ideas were popping out of our heads left and right. Manifestation was in the air. There was no fear or expectations, no oppression whatsoever. We were like little kids playing and creating.

Surround yourself with like minded souls and you will watch your world change right before your eyes, then you will see this oppression that you’ve created for yourself disappear.

Go create something awesome!


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The Sun

Today’s card is The Sun.

The Sun rises and sets every day. When it rises, we smile. When it sets, we smile. Why do we smile when it sets? Because when it sets it is just as beautiful as when it rises.

When things begin and end (which is inevitable), we can either look at the ending in sorrow or we can look at it as a new beginning… the in between is what counts. Beginnings are always full of life, hopeful, we fall in love. With endings, we tend to look at them with sorrow… with pain.

Instead, I choose to look at the endings with a hopeful zest for the new beginnings, for new adventures and mysteries that I can’t even dream of yet. I embrace the unknown.

How will you look at your sunsets?


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