Fly by Night

Welcome to Tuesday, August 21st which is a 4 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Prince of Swords.

The Swords Suit deal with conflict and pain. Maybe there is something inside of yourself that you must look at?

As we grow in this world we take on certain roles and are sometimes expected to follow these roles because we’ve either been very adamant about how we feel about certain things or we’ve grown in a family that expects us to be a certain way. When we don’t sit and evaluate these roles from time to time we start to go on autopilot. When was the last time you sat down to analyze these roles? Maybe you’ve always had a certain political belief and now find yourself blindly following? What would happen if you sat and looked at these beliefs and decided that they no longer work for you? Would you be afraid of what society thought? Afraid of what your family might think? Afraid to lose the friends you’ve gathered over the years? Or maybe a job?

These are important things to consider, but to deny yourself of your own beliefs is doing yourself the biggest injustice. Living our own lives and owning our truths can be a difficult first step, but once taken there is a freedom you gain that you could never have when you locked yourself into a stubborn ‘truth’ you once had.

Today’s energy of the 4 is saying we are ready to build our higher conscious which means that treating others with fairness regardless of what your past beliefs may have been. It’s looking in the mirror. It’s saying, as the Beatles once wrote, “I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are all together.”

Today’s song is ‘Fly by Night’ by Rush.

“Quiet and pensive. My thoughts apprehensive. The hours drift away.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session, Tarot Reading, or get Personal Coaching, send me a message at or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #rush #flybynight


Natural Science

Welcome to Thursday, May 24th which is a 4 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the 6 of Swords.

If you read yesterday’s card I mentioned that you were now the teacher. Today’s card is Science. You’ve passed through so many phases in your life and now the pressure has eased a bit. You can see clearly. Everything is making sense and the big picture is very clear.

Now that this clarity is evident make sure that you are listening to your heart, not your head. Don’t fall back into old patterns just because they are ‘comfortable’. You can now find comfort in other areas.

Life ebbs and flows as we pass from one phase to another. Yesterday I was mentioning to a dear friend that they wouldn’t have recognized me 16 years ago, both physically and mentally. Yes, I’ve carried the same philosophy (for the most part) but during my evolution, I’ve become much more confident, independent and now stand in my truth with much more ease than before.

Are you completely the same as you were 16 years ago?

If so… are you living your truth? Are you always striving to recreate yourself?

Celebrities struggle with this because the masses, their fans, business partners, etc. don’t want them to change. They want them to stay in a little bubble of time and the ones that do change are chastised but those are the ones we should be looking up to because they are living their truth, not someone else’s.

Today’s 4 energy can help you with solidifying your truth and owning who you are. This energy will give you the self-control to stand in your truth whatever that truth might be.

Today’s song is ‘Natural Science’ by Rush.

“Time after time we lose sight of the way. Our causes can’t see their effects.”

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #rush #naturalscience

New Life

Welcome to Tuesday, November 28th which is a 4 in Numerology.

Hard work is the experience of the 4 vibration as ideas are manifested into reality. The 4 energy when it is at its highest vibration is focused, driven and dedicated but when it sinks down and gets too cerebral it can become depressed, angry and scattered.

So, today… stay positive! It’s easy to sink down into the mire with all of the intricacies of life. When you have your vibration high the intuitive sense is aware and awake.

Along with today’s card, New Life, it is letting us know that we are well on our path when in this high vibration and even though things are tough we wouldn’t want it any other way. Earning what we get is so much more valuable than having it handed to us on a silver platter. All of the blood, sweat, and tears of working your tail off has its rewards. Like doing yardwork all day and finally sitting down with a cold glass of lemonade. Ahhh!

Today’s song is; Something for Nothing by Rush

 “You don’t get something for nothing. You can’t have freedom for free. You won’t get wise with the sleep still in your eyes no matter what your dream might be.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #rush #somethingfornothing #newlife