As Within, So Without

Good Morning from New Orleans!

I am grateful for the relationships that I have in my life and that I can share of myself with them.

Along my journey I’ve been able to break bread with various family and friends, new and old. I get to live my truth instead of just speaking it. I had mentioned yesterday that I have shed my doubts about how I’ve lived my life, and that everything is perfect just the way it is.

My Harley, Destiny, has been my trusty steed along this journey as well as the Hay House HEAL Summit programs that I’ve listening to as the miles tick away behind me. I’ve been in a state of mindfulness and joy. The old past patterns have been recognized, consoled and put away only to be used in reference to my journey.

Today’s card is the 2 of Cups. It’s the love card, and in the Rohrig Tarot it depicts a person hugging another, and with further inspection it is depicted with three arms around them. This is indicating that to have love we need to be love. We need to learn to love ourselves first before we can step into the space of loving others.

For me, it was learning about my inner child. About the abandonment issues that I’ve felt ever since my Dad left us when I was 7. It was a subconscious program that I had played day in and day out in my life of ‘I’m not good enough’. Unfortunately, that program played through many relationships, and no matter how loving those relationships were I still had that program running full force which inevitably destroyed each one.

What are your limiting beliefs?

Do you know what they are?

You can start by looking at your patterns, getting with a community of others that feel the same way. It’s time to take those destructive behaviors and learn some tools to help you understand that you are love. We are all love. We are born with love in our hearts.

The only evil in this world is learned, subconscious, self-destructive, wounded child behavior.


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The Empress

Good Morning from El Paso, Texas. My host at the AirBnB left me with this sacred space. All decor from India, very peaceful. I am blessed and abundant.

This mornings card is the 3rd card in the Major Arcana. I opened the book to read about it and it said ‘111. The Empress’. As the Universe guides me on my journey I’ve been watching the signs… when I looked at my app on my phone at a rest stop it said I had 333 miles to go, the next time I looked down at my speedometer it said 55.5 miles. It just so happens that my cousin’s house outside of Austin, Texas is 111 as well (There are no coincidences).

So what is she telling me? Well, with the hours ticking away on the Harley I listen to audiobooks. I’m listening now to different speakers from the Hay House HEAL Summit and last nights adventure was with Bruce Lipton. Bruce talks about how our mind works. His research is vast as a scientist. He talks about when we ‘think’ we automatically switch to our subconscious to do all of the tasks while we are thinking. Unfortunately, our subconscious if full of old programs from other people. Usually within the first 7 years of our life we are sponges and we absorb all of these programs from our parents, and most people on this planet are still struggling with these issues.

Recognition is the key. Mind you, I’m not going to get into fine detail about it, I’ll let you explore that yourself or write me and I will go into more detail.

Basically, most of us live with our subconscious mind ruling our lives. The only way to get out of this is to become ‘mindful’, shutting off our ‘thinking’ brain and becoming part of the experience. It becomes timeless like when you fall in love, you are mindful, you aren’t thinking all about anything but being in love, feeling the endorphins, basking in the ‘feeling’.

The Empress is about feeling. She is about being mindful, becoming the observer, basking in the beauty of our surroundings.

Today, as I am on my 500 mile adventure to Austin I will be observing the landscape around me. I will not be ‘thinking’.

Will you join me?


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Knight of Swords

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Today’s card is the Knight of Swords. This one again! This card came up a few weeks ago for me where I quoted Gandhi, “Speak only if improves upon the silence.”

Yesterday I was out with a dear friend talking about well, everything! During the discussion I mentioned to her that I’m usually formulating thoughts verbally and if the other person isn’t in alignment with me they can misconstrue my words and think me a bit of a scatterbrain. Honestly, I’m not, but I can see how people would think so. I guess I love the art of debate. I love verbally throwing ideas out there and welcoming another persons input, and vise-versa.

Today we have lost the art of debate. Words and ideas that come from us now are either perceived facts or defense mechanisms to support our beliefs. You would think with the advent of information at our fingertips that we could do a little research and come up with our own conclusion with the facts that are out there… but we don’t. We’ve already formulated a rebuttal before another person can speak their truth. We aren’t truly listening to another person… if we were then we would be following Gandhi’s advice.

This brings me to Greta Thunberg, a teenage Climate Activist. Greta has Asperger’s Syndrome. While some see it as an ‘illness’ she see’s it as a superpower. I firmly believe that her superpower was the only thing that could get people to wake up and see what we’ve been doing to our world. People with Asperger’s are very direct, they speak their mind, and are completely honest in their conviction, especially when it comes to Social Justice. This is the Knight of Swords in a nutshell.

Where in your world are you improving upon the silence? Or are you just speaking to fill the silence?


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Ten of Wands

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Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed?
I told you in our last reading what is going on in my life so it’s not worth the redundancy because quite honestly, even with all of the stress… I chose this life. I have accepted it fully with all of it’s glories and pitfalls.

So what do we do to deal with this feeling of being overwhelmed?

The negatives are drugs, booze, anything that will mask the feeling but not really fixing the issue at hand. The best way is to face it head on.
Fuck it! What can it really hurt?
I’ll be the first one to tell you that every once in awhile I succumb to my vices but for the most part I will spend time alone, in meditation, in reflection, and in appreciation of where I am and how I got here. I count my blessings because I do notice the less fortunate around me. We all go into our pity parties, and it’s usually with the people that we feel safest around. The down side is that side seems to be more prevalent than the lighter side that the rest of the world gets to see all of the time.

I’ve learned the hard way that you can’t dump on your lovers or your friends repeatedly hoping that they have the answers to fix your problems. All it’s going to do is drive them away. That is why it is imperative to have good quality downtime with yourself, nobody else. Stare in the mirror and ask yourself about yourself. Really dig deep.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s ok. Just know that it is a temporary situation that will pass as long as you take a deep breath and allow it all to flow around you.


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Wheel of Fortune

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Today’s card is the Wheel of Fortune. They say that life is cyclical, not linear. We aren’t just born, live, then die. There is so much more to a life than just that. So why do we live this way? We know that the Moon revolves around the Earth, and the Earth around the Sun. We know that trees bloom in the spring and then die in the fall. We see this all around us and yet think we are separate from it all.

If we learn to ease into life just as nature does, if we stop struggling and start going with the flow, trusting that no matter what our lives will be ok, then that is when the magic begins. Recognizing that when you have a down period there will inevitably be an up.

When we live with linear thought we can’t conceive that life will eventually be good after a bad period in our lives. We struggle and struggle to be happy, to conform to the rat race, pretend that everything is ok so that when we reach the end of the line we will have people who care about us, near us.

Believe me… I get it.

As of today I have 11 days left here in England before I head back to the US. Head back to what? I don’t know. I don’t know where I am going to live, what I’m going to do about work, how I’m going to get around besides my bicycle and motorcycle. There are a million and one questions bouncing around my head right now. But you know what? I KNOW something good is going to happen. I TRUST that the universe will provide for me. I ALLOW it all to flow around me.

Just Breathe. Just Know. Just Trust. Just Allow.

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Three of Disks


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Today’s card comes as no surprise. Work.

Yesterday while spending time with my sister we went to Stonehenge and then last night stayed in a little town called ‘Avebury’. The last time I was here was with my Ex and her Mom. As it would be, my Ex had deleted me off of Facebook either that morning or the day before. It totally triggered me even though it was something as silly as that.
A friend of mine told me that I need to do the work. I needed to delve deeper into my spiritual practice. She was right in a way, I had been traipsing around it. I guess I was just expecting a bit more empathy for my pitiful feelings at the time. Ha!

A Spiritual Practice is just that… Practice.

There are times that our ego gets bruised and we go into a pity party with ourselves searching for our ‘blanky’ for comfort. And that is ok, but then it’s back to the work.
Having these moments does not mean that you are going backwards, that you haven’t learned anything. It just means that there is more to learn.
There is always more to learn.

But… if you find yourself ALWAYS in this pity party land then it’s time to find out why? Have you really done the work or is it just a facade to make you feel and look good? That’s a tough question to ask and I only ask it because I ask it of myself as well. It keeps me in check.

Do the work.


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Queen of Cups

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Did you see the full moon last night? I woke at 3am and saw it light up my hotel room. Vibrant and bright.

Today’s card is the Queen of Cups. Reflection!

If you are an empath you find yourself taking on other peoples emotions that is why it is imperative to have enough alone time so that you can tap into your own emotions. When you don’t have adequate alone time you end up being an emotional wreck because you can’t distinguish your own emotions to those that you pick up throughout the day.

I thought being an empath was complete rubbish until somebody pointed it out to me. I had just finished two back to back Reiki sessions but I felt completely and utterly depressed. My then GF asked me, ‘Who were you working on today?’ That’s when it dawned on me that one of the two people I had been working on had just had a family member die. That’s when it dawned on me that this wasn’t me, that empathic abilities are real.

I believe that all of us have this ability in one degree or another unless you’re a narcissist or a sociopath. Have you ever noticed that when you hang around a certain type of person for a good amount of time that you end up acting like them? Or at least feeling like them?
Today is a good day to reflect. Spend some time alone and start digging in to your true emotions. Start really analyzing if this is you or something you’ve picked up. What are your true emotions? Who are you?


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