“We have separated living from dying, and the interval between is fear.” – Krishnamurti
Today’s card is the Death Card, and what a perfect card after the black Moon and now it being August 1st! An ending and a new beginning.
I’ve mentioned before that we all go through living and dying in the physical form, emotional form, and material form. We only experience the living form once in a lifetime so it seems so scary. We are all scrambling to stay young, or hold off death. If we could embrace it then it would be easier for us to go through change here in the physical. We know that when something ends here on this plane that it’s inevitable that there will be a new beginning. It’s the yin/yang, the positive/negative, light/dark. It’s impossible to NOT have the opposite. So why should physical death be different.
We have been trained in society to believe that when we die we either go to Heaven or Hell. I offer this idea… Heaven and Hell are a state of mind here on the physical plane. We make the rules here, but these rules don’t apply when we leave. Just as a baby is perfect when It enters this world, so is the same when we leave.
What is my point?
Tim McGraw said it best in his song, ‘Live like you were dying’…
“I went skydiving. I went Rocky Mountain climbing. I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fumanchu.
And I loved deeper, and I spoke sweeter, and I gave forgiveness I’d been denying. And he said, Someday I hope you get the chance to live like you were dying.”
#death #timmcgraw#livelikeyouweredying#followyourintuition #followyourbliss#rohrigtarot #thereikirocker#davidreedwatson #singersongwriter#isingthereforeiam #followyourheart#followyourgut #useyourhead#intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize#nodistractions #infinitepossibilities#krishnamurti