By My Side

Welcome to Sunday, May 20th which is a 9 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the 4 of Cups.

Yesterday I told you that we should embrace change and I believe you did. Remember though to not take any of this for granted. Today could be one of those days where you might.

A lot of times when we get comfortable and set in our routines of day to day life we take people and things for granted… continue on with what we talked about yesterday, but today I want you to feel even more grateful for these gifts and blessings in your life. Especially the people that come into your life. Embrace them! Thank them!

Today is a LOVE WITHOUT RISK kind of day. I said not to be reckless yesterday but being a little risky and being reckless are two different animals. Yes, I said animals.

Be the owl. Observe and use your wisdom. Reckless would be more like those black squirrels that we would see it Colorado running across the roads that only seemed to run across when we were driving by.

With the energy of today’s 9; Universal Love, Balance, and Perfection you have the opportunity to really open some doors and let in people that have usually found you reserved and, well… stuck up.

Again… I can’t say it enough. Love without Risk.

Today’s song is ‘By My Side’ by INXS.

“In the dark of night, those small hours. Uncertain and anxious I need to call you.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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Being of Service or Being taken advantage of?

Welcome to Monday, November 6th which is a 9 in Numerology

The 9 is the one in service, the one willing to sacrifice themselves for the higher cause, humility, duty, and leadership.

How many of you feel like you’re always being stepped on? Feeling depressed because you aren’t able to be your true authentic self? A good amount of this is from low self-esteem. Not feeling that we are good enough to shine our light and that the people that give us advice know more than we do.

Is it possible that you are wrong?

Is it possible that you are even more powerful than you think you are and that those around you that give you advice are actually afraid of you and your gifts? I’m not telling you to give yourself a false perception of yourself, boosting your ego and becoming a pompous ass. I’m telling you to give yourself a break and recognize your gifts.

A lot of lightworkers I know are like this (as I look in the mirror myself, giving that half-raised eyebrow). Deep down inside we know who we are and what our gifts are but because of our past, we don’t trust ourselves and our own gut feelings. We rely on people telling us what they think of us… and sometimes it’s not good. If there is one thing that I’ve learned, it is this; People who tell you not to shine only tell you this because they have tried to shine themselves and have either failed or given up. Never give up.

‘Coming out of the Closet’ isn’t just about being gay and telling the world that you are… although it is a very similar feeling, having gay friends who have confided their struggles with me. Telling the world who you really are is VERY scary. What will people think? Will they turn their backs on you? Will your family disown you? When it comes right down to it when you come out of your shell and finally start living your authentic life you will be surrounded by people who have your back because they too are coming out of their shell. I’ve found this kind of camaraderie in the theater, as well as with other touring musicians. They know how to stick together and watch their tribes back. It’s a very comforting feeling. It puts you in a different atmosphere of love and respect and allows you to shine.

So… go find your tribe.

Today’s song is; Don’t Change by INXS done by my band The Constant.



#dontchange #INXS #theconstant #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker