Do you believe in what you see?

Welcome to Wednesday, April 4th which is a 1 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Emperor. He stands for Law and Order. He is the abstraction of establishment, it’s stability and security. Combined with the energy of the 1; Justice for all, Leadership, Independence and New Beginnings. Today is a day to be firm in your conviction. You know deep in your heart what you want, so stand up for yourself.

Years ago I was in a relationship that I just did what I was told. I became the Housewife, in sorts. It was an emasculating role and a role I seem to fall into over time, a habit. It’s not the fault of my partners, but a fault in myself. There’s a belief system in there that I am not good enough. I can’t get out of my head what my father said to me when I was ending one of these relationships, “Davey… you and I need women like this in our lives.” It was a gift from the Angels to hear this because it planted a seed. I had to hear that to remind myself that I do not ‘need’ anybody. To ‘need’ someone says that we can’t do it ourselves.

I know that I’m not the only one that falls into this trap that we create. No matter what we do, or how successful we become we still feel that we aren’t good enough. It’s not fair to our partners nor to ourselves. So how do we change it?

The best way I know is to surround yourself with a community that supports you, but even still that doesn’t seem to help at times so it might mean taking drastic measures. I know for myself I have been called to do Ayahuasca. I believe this is a journey I must take to get rid of the old demons. It’s a plant medicine that has been calling me for a few years now. I know that this medicine will get me out of these limiting beliefs.

I am good enough. I’ve proven it time after time. And I know you have to. But are you willing to make a stand for yourself and do the work? It will take focus and responsibility. It will take holding yourself accountable at all costs.

Today’s song is ‘In the Waiting Line’ by Zero 7.

Do you believe in what you see? There doesn’t seem to be anybody else who agrees with me.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #Cherokee #gvyalielitsehi #inthewaitingline #zero7


Welcome to Sunday, November 5th which is an 8 in Numerology.

If you look at the physical 8 and flip it sideways you will see the infinity symbol. Everything is connected and revolves around each other. The 8 is the great equalizer and is also associated with Career and Finances.

Ganesh is the best known and loved deities in the Hindu pantheon of gods. Ganesh symbolizes overcoming obstacles. When called upon, it is believed that this god clears your path of any obstacles. Whether you believe in these deities or not is not of significance… they are symbols that teach us. In our physical plane, the Elephant is wise and remembers everything.

Whatever you seem to be going through at the moment, know that change is happening. I know I talk a lot about change. I talk about it because it is important. Some of us out there feel so hopeless that we don’t think our lives will ever change, that this is all there is. If we get in this mindset that change is not possible, then we will be fulfilling this prophecy.

Instead of feeling hopeless, look at each obstacle as the universe giving us hints. What do we need to change to make our situation work better for us?

If it is finances, look at your results. Is what you are doing right now earning you your worth? A good way to assess this is to look at your income. If you are a business owner, money is a great indicator of our results. If we’re barely scraping by, why? Do we have the perception that money is bad? That it’s evil? If so, maybe change that thought pattern to… “If I had a 6 figure income I could give 10% of my earnings and help those around me that are scraping by, as I once was.” You can do this with your Career or Relationships as well. Get real with yourself. It might be painful but the future results will pay off.

There is always a positive with every negative. This is the Yin and the Yang.

Today’s song is; Waiting Line by Zero 7. I love this song because to me it represents our current situation in life. Everything is an illusion and if we get caught up in this illusion nothing will seem possible. Feel the dreamy music and let it transform your mood to that of hope.

I am always here to help


#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #psychonaut #ganesh #yes #inthewaitingline #zero7 #lifecoach

The Fog

Welcome to Sunday, Oct. 29th which is a 4 in Numerology. The 4 is; patience, perseverance, and directness. When dealing with 4 energy it is telling us that we don’t have to know everything to move forward. Trust is the key for today. If we move throughout today, just moving forward in the direction of our goals we will be fine. If we stop moving forward because we don’t have all of the answers then we will stop what we’ve been working hard to manifest.

The fog, as depicted in this card is letting us know this. It is telling us that there is, in fact, a silver lining just beyond our reach.


Why can’t we have what we want now?

Look back at everything good that has happened in your life, and the timing of it. Has anything ever truly amazing happened to you just because you wished it to be in that moment? Most likely not. I’m fairly confident in saying that it probably started out as an idea, then that idea manifested itself in action and then it came into the physical.

So again… keep moving forward and trust that this fog will eventually clear at the right time.

— Something New —

I’m going to start putting in a song for the day from now on. Something that I think will be relevant to the message for the day.
Today’s song is Zero 7 – In the Waiting Line.





#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #fog #oraclecards #lifecoach #singersongwriter #Zero7 #Inthewaitingline