As Within, So Without

Good Morning from New Orleans!

I am grateful for the relationships that I have in my life and that I can share of myself with them.

Along my journey I’ve been able to break bread with various family and friends, new and old. I get to live my truth instead of just speaking it. I had mentioned yesterday that I have shed my doubts about how I’ve lived my life, and that everything is perfect just the way it is.

My Harley, Destiny, has been my trusty steed along this journey as well as the Hay House HEAL Summit programs that I’ve listening to as the miles tick away behind me. I’ve been in a state of mindfulness and joy. The old past patterns have been recognized, consoled and put away only to be used in reference to my journey.

Today’s card is the 2 of Cups. It’s the love card, and in the Rohrig Tarot it depicts a person hugging another, and with further inspection it is depicted with three arms around them. This is indicating that to have love we need to be love. We need to learn to love ourselves first before we can step into the space of loving others.

For me, it was learning about my inner child. About the abandonment issues that I’ve felt ever since my Dad left us when I was 7. It was a subconscious program that I had played day in and day out in my life of ‘I’m not good enough’. Unfortunately, that program played through many relationships, and no matter how loving those relationships were I still had that program running full force which inevitably destroyed each one.

What are your limiting beliefs?

Do you know what they are?

You can start by looking at your patterns, getting with a community of others that feel the same way. It’s time to take those destructive behaviors and learn some tools to help you understand that you are love. We are all love. We are born with love in our hearts.

The only evil in this world is learned, subconscious, self-destructive, wounded child behavior.


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What’s your end goal?

This journey started, as I’ve stated, traveling from California to Florida. My map was all laid out, I knew the direction, I knew the amount of time it would take. I had an end goal.

What is your end goal?

I thought I knew what mine was, but as I opened myself up to possibility it all changed. When I released the attachment to ‘what I want’ to ‘what I need’ everything opened up. Some would say that I got lost, but I would say that I finally found a direction and that direction is not what it started out as.

Now that I’ve come to terms with my Ego telling me what I need for survival, now I can truly follow my heart, follow my true passion.

I sing. <— period.

There are no more doubts, no more ‘should’s’, no more ‘have to’s’. None of that has been left in my vocabulary.

My buddy Ryan once took a trip like this. Hopped on his motorcycle to go find himself. He came out with complete clarity because he shut off his mind and allowed his true vision to unfold. There are many cases such as his and mine. Many examples of people doing this either on a motorcycle, bicycle, or hiking. Creating that movement and shutting off the mind.

I’ve said this once and I will say it again. Everything is perfect and everything happens for a reason.

Are you worth enough to yourself to take such a journey?


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On the Road Again

I’ve enjoyed my time here just outside of Austin, Texas with my cousins. As I continue, yet again, across this vast land I remind myself why I am taking this journey in the first place. I am doing it to really dig deep into my soul to understand who I am, to recognize debilitating patterns, and to become a better human being.

What have I learned on this leg of the journey?

There are certain ‘beliefs’ handed down through our family tree that aren’t necessarily ours. For instance, when my cousin Aili was doing my oral history (she’s a writer and historian) I was talking about when I would sing in church, my Mother would tell me,

“Hush David, not so loud. No need to boast.”

I asked Aili where that came from. She looked at me and told me that was something that runs through our family and it goes back generations to the Victorian era. She told me back then that it was improper to sing around the dinner table (but our family secretly did it anyway). There was a ‘keep to yourself and don’t let the neighbors know your business’ kind of mentality that was never really released from our psych.

I think of how my voice was stunted all of those years because of this belief. Singing in public was something I had to really come to terms with. I know this might seem strange to you reading this because I’ve sung in public for so many years… but, and this is HUGE for me…

I would hide behind a microphone and always have a band behind me. Although I’ve done plenty of acoustic gigs in my lifetime, it still made me nervous because it was only me, raw, focused on… the ‘boasting’ belief was full on in my face.

So… what is my point?

Where in your life have you adopted a belief that isn’t necessarily yours? That’s not your parents, or your grandparents? That goes back generations? What can we do about this?

I’m fortunate to have a historian in a family that can put the pieces together much easier than most, so for you, it might take a bit more digging.

What I’m trying to say is this…

When we become our true authentic selves, when we allow ourselves to strip away our limited belief systems, we allow ourselves to shine. For me, I am going to boast. I am going to get out of my own way and allow myself to shine brighter than I have before because I’m realizing more and more along that journey that it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with what I am giving.


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I Open Myself to New Success

My travels start up again tomorrow as I leave Austin, Texas and head further towards Florida. As I make this trip further away from the west I feel it pulling me back like a magnet. I pacify it by letting it know that I will be back soon enough, I’m sure of it.

New opportunities are arising for me from areas that I was not expecting which is making me excited and trusting more in this ‘letting go’. I’ve mentioned how difficult it’s been for me to let the control freak take the back seat. You see, I have friends like myself… we are hustlers, survivors, but there are times when we get really tired and need a break. This time for me, is my break while still the wheels turn in the background, ready to pounce like the Leo that I am.

I have mentioned that taking a trip like this is very important. Scary, but essential. I we never know what really makes us tick we will continue through life repeating the same old patterns, the same old situations, until we finally give up on our dreams.

I am blessed in the fact that I don’t have a high overhead, no mortgage, significant other, car payments, etc… but I also don’t have a home or a place to live. The grass may seem greener to you when looking at my situation, but on the other side of the fence I long for deep meaningful, lasting relationship.

What am I getting at here?

Follow your dreams, but be aware that your dreams might change along the way, and that is ok. I’m open to the idea that I might not want to be a Rock singer anymore. I’m sure that stunned you like it did for me…. that has NOT happened, but it might. I’m open to that possibility. As I hone in on my dream I go deep into the details. What is the real reason I’m doing what I’m doing?

I do what I do because I want to change lives. I want people to see their greatness. I want people to be open to the possibility that they are powerful, wonderful, and loving human beings.

What is your dream? What are the fine details of your dream? Start digging.


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Being of Service

The card that has come up repeatedly during my journey has been The Hermit. So much of my journey has been me just being the observer, allowing life to move around me. My Ego gets tested all along the way, especially when I think I need to ‘DO’ something and the state of ‘BE’ing becomes ever more self evident as I travel deeper within.

For instance… right now I’m on the outskirts of Austin, Texas. My ‘plan’ (as you’ve seen my ‘plan’ has been consistently altered) was to leave here tomorrow (Saturday), but if the weather stays the way it’s been with this cold front coming through I will probably have to extend my stay here. Well, as L.U.C.K. (Living Under Cosmic Knowledge) would have it, Sunday is the Marine Corp Birthday (Nov. 10th) and seeing that this is a military area I should embrace that side of myself. Acknowledge those that have served as I once did.

I had mentioned the lessons that I’ve been learning…

I come from a very military family. My Uncle, my cousins, my brother, and myself all served, or are still serving. I might be their left wing liberal long haired hippy family member but one thing I can say for this family is that they still love me and embrace my seemingly odd character. Service has always been the underlying theme. It has never left me, the only difference now is that I’ve turned that service to others. I like to think that my music, my voice, is this service.

Getting back to the Hermit. Traveling deep inside of ourselves is the only way that we are going to get over ourselves. If we don’t dive deep at some point or other in our lives that monkey mind, or as my friend Chris calls it, the Lizard mind, takes over and controls us. When we dive deep we stop the thinking, we stop that chatter that tells us that we’re not enough, or that what we’re doing in our lives doesn’t matter.

We do matter.

When we become of service we start to realize that all of our problems, anxieties, our downfalls, divorces, all of that ‘stuff’ is just ‘stuff’. It was all created within our limiting belief of ourselves. We realize that we no longer need to fall victim to any of that.

Dive deep with me and in turn become of service to others around you. Do it to the capacity that makes you uncomfortable. Try it on for size and see how your life changes.

Make this upcoming Memorial Day, memorable.


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Good Morning from Texas!
As I make my way further across the United States I also make my way further into myself. The learning never stops. Yesterday was yet another miracle day. It was a day of recognizing that I am on the right path, that mistakes that I perceived to make were not really mine afterall. Of course, it’s good to get recognition that you aren’t completely bonkers, but at the same time we can’t rest on our laurels. We can’t take that moment of satisfaction and pretend that there still isn’t work to be done on ourselves. There is always work to be done.

What is my lesson? It’s a lesson of becoming more and more selfless, to take care of myself, to be mindful of my needs but to also ‘know’ that all of my needs will be met regardless of how the monkey mind chatters away on our shoulders. Becoming mindful, becoming selfless, is about turning off the thinking mind and just ‘allowing’ the world to flow around me.

I might be sounding a bit redundant from time to time but I believe that this needs to be repeated over and over again, like a mantra. It needs to be at the forefront of our minds to keep us in check.

Drop the Ego. Drop the Anger.

Ego is nothing more than the wounded child within us all that wants validation, that wants to be protected. It Is our ‘job’ as adults now to let our inner child know that we’ve got this… we will protect it.

Have an amazingly powerful day!

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Light attracts light.

Be alert. The world needs more Lerts.

One of my favorite sayings and a bumper sticker that I used to have eons ago. The 8 of Disks is telling us to be alert for all of the opportunities that come up around us. Be aware and allow the worlds energy to flow around us and to not attach ourselves to unnecessary people or things. I know that in my past I would see something shiny and I would attach myself to it. I used this example with a new friend of mine…

We are lightbulbs in a world of moths. The moths being the mindless creatures that are looking for something outside of themselves.

Spoiler – There is nothing outside of ourselves. Anything outside of ourselves is ‘perceived’. It’s made up from our conditioning over years of abuse, self-doubt, addiction… and the list goes on.

I was telling a dear friend this morning that I am studying along this journey across the United States, non-attachment. I am determined to ‘allow’ the Universe/God/Source to provide all that I need, when I need it. Am I scared? Who wouldn’t be? All the demons and subconscious programming are full on in my face as we speak, and yet I am determined to ‘allow’.

In this picture you see me with a young girl. This is an example of ‘allowing’. Yesterday I stayed at an Airbnb in El Paso, Texas. This Airbnb is usually booked solid but for some reason it was opened to me for the day that I was to be there. Her name is Adria Gonzalez. She is half Hopi Indian and half Mexican. She is a survivor of the shootings in El Paso and also helped lead people to safety. Her selfless act and her light I believe gravitated us together to remind us that no matter what the distance is, light attracts light.


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