Fitness, and the lack thereof it, has been on my mind lately. Up until the beginning of this year I was a Cycling zealot. I was religiously on my bicycle 3 to 6 days a week for years. Last summer I had flown back to Colorado to do Ride the Rockies which was a 6 day 411 mile bicycle ride that went from Crested Butte, Colorado to Georgetown, Colorado. Over 30,000 feet of climbing. THAT was what I was used to.
For whatever reason living out here in L.A. has changed that. I’m not going to go into beatup mode. I’m just looking at it and wondering what is going on. And on closer inspection I’ve looked at other areas in my life. How are they doing? Am I lacking there as well? On the contrary! I’ve been doing tremendous amounts of spiritual growth. Taking classes, coaching and mentoring people. Musically I’ve been progressing tremendously as well. Recording with major players in the industry. Meeting new and exciting people. I’ve attracted the love of my life to me. Everything is going just grand. 🙂
So what’s the deal dude?
Well.. ask and you shall receive. Right?
Being with Heidi these past several (AMAZING) months I’ve noticed her workout routine. She NEVER misses a workout. There is no doubt why she has a rock solid figure. So I was just doing my random google searching and came across a book by Jack LaLanne. I got it and started reading it. It’s called, “Live Young Forever”.  He talks about diet, sex, having a positive outlook on life, etc. Very inspirational.
Well.. as spirit would guide me..
I sent an email to a friend this morning about a possible gig for her. I noticed that she was in New Bedford, Massachusetts. I was like… I know New Bedford! My Uncle Dave owns a place right in Fairhaven, Massachusetts just a couple of miles away! So I did my google search to find the address. Instead I came across this magazine article about my Uncle Dave.
In 2007 at the age of 92 my Uncle David Ward was a triple gold metalist in cycling at the Louisville, Ky., Senior Olympics. I have zero excuses. Here is a family member. Our own Jack LaLanne who I’ve known about and have looked up to for years. I come from an amazingly active family. It’s time to get back on the bike.
Day 1
See you there.