Limiting Beliefs

Happy Sunday!!
Why do we self sabotage? Why do we get to a high point in our lives and suddenly have to destroy it all?

Limiting beliefs.

It could start from childhood where a parent tells you that we’re not good enough and we are at that developmental stage in our life where we believe everything. It sticks and we spend our whole life trying to prove to everyone that we are better, when deep down inside we are saying to ourselves, “I’ll never be successful”.

Or in another scenario we could be told that we aren’t good enough and later down our path we try to achieve success and a parent or other family member asks us, “Who do you think you are? Do you think you’re better than the rest of us?” only to drag us back down.

How do we conquer limiting beliefs?

Meditation is one way. Seeking a Shaman, a councellor, or Reiki Practioner. Try to get to the root of that limiting belief. Focus on where it started. Who said it? Why was it said? Ask your angels to guide you, to give you the answers. You might be surprised at where it originated. It might have been said to you in a time when your parent was feeling down about themselves and it had nothing to do with you or in the second scenario recognize that whomever is trying to keep you at their level has their own limiting belief about themselves and how they have been a failure in their life.

What we all need to recognize is this. Nothing anybody says is about you. It’s about themselves. <- Period. It’s a reflection of their feelings about themselves projected on to you. Nothing more.



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