Welcome to Tuesday, Oct. 24th which is an 8 in Numerology. The 8 is the infinity symbol. Manifesting abundance and having inner-wisdom. Tapping into this inner wisdom we have a ‘knowing’. It’s something we can’t put into words, but it is there. As if an internal guidance system were directing us as we, on the surface… on this Earth plane are on auto-pilot. But there are some of us that choose to be an active player in this guidance system. The way we do that is through meditation. Through listening and trusting our ‘gut’ instincts. That is how to really ‘know’. There are those that are on autopilot that doesn’t understand this because they live in the Ego alone (Remember, we are 3 part beings). So we, that tap into this guidance system let those who aren’t… we let them go. We can guide them ourselves and possibly get them to tap into that guidance system as well, but if they choose not to that is ok. This is their dream, not ours. Fighting to get them to confront their demons only brings our energy to their level. Does that mean that we are superior to them? Not in the least. As I said… this is their dream or journey and maybe they need to learn more before they take that plunge. Either way, we learn from them to keep our own ego in check.
#psychonaut #leggomyego#davidreedwatson #thereikirocker #reiki#lifecoach #singersongwriter