Knight of Swords

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Today’s card is the Knight of Swords. This one again! This card came up a few weeks ago for me where I quoted Gandhi, “Speak only if improves upon the silence.”

Yesterday I was out with a dear friend talking about well, everything! During the discussion I mentioned to her that I’m usually formulating thoughts verbally and if the other person isn’t in alignment with me they can misconstrue my words and think me a bit of a scatterbrain. Honestly, I’m not, but I can see how people would think so. I guess I love the art of debate. I love verbally throwing ideas out there and welcoming another persons input, and vise-versa.

Today we have lost the art of debate. Words and ideas that come from us now are either perceived facts or defense mechanisms to support our beliefs. You would think with the advent of information at our fingertips that we could do a little research and come up with our own conclusion with the facts that are out there… but we don’t. We’ve already formulated a rebuttal before another person can speak their truth. We aren’t truly listening to another person… if we were then we would be following Gandhi’s advice.

This brings me to Greta Thunberg, a teenage Climate Activist. Greta has Asperger’s Syndrome. While some see it as an ‘illness’ she see’s it as a superpower. I firmly believe that her superpower was the only thing that could get people to wake up and see what we’ve been doing to our world. People with Asperger’s are very direct, they speak their mind, and are completely honest in their conviction, especially when it comes to Social Justice. This is the Knight of Swords in a nutshell.

Where in your world are you improving upon the silence? Or are you just speaking to fill the silence?


#knightofswords #aspiepower #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

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