Isn’t it Ironic?

“Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you when you think everything’s okay and everything’s going right. And life has a funny way of helping you out when you think everything’s gone wrong and everything blows up in your face.” – Alanis Morissette

Today I received the news that Skyfest has been cancelled and the tour has been cancelled as well. My first thought was, “Shit”. My second thought was, “How am I going to explain all of this to everybody who have financially supported me in my dream?”

This is how.

Everything is perfect and everything happens for a reason. We don’t always have the answers to these questions but they come to us when we are ready to hear it.

The last two months for me have been bliss. My love life, my music life, everything has been blissful. I have been on cloud nine. Stopping that now would be fruitless. Continuing that bliss is my number one priority. I may have given up my job, given up my apartment and my life in L.A. but I have opened up the door to new possibilities. I still have my voice. I am still the same person. I now have the opportunity to continue this bliss. Or not. My choice. And I choose Bliss.

What would be your choice, and why? That is a question you need to ask yourself. What are you doing in your life that is keeping you from living in bliss? What roadblocks are there that you’ve put up? What are you trying to force? And why would you try to force something?

My life might seem Pollyanna to some, and that is ok. I live life completely and fully. I dare you to do the same. That doesn’t mean that we all don’t have our, “Oh Shit.” moments. We all do. We are human. Like my friend Jim says, “We all have that 8 track running in our head.” It’s when that 8 track takes over and you are living your past. That is when you’ve got a problem.


Bring it on. I’m ready for the next big thing.

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