I realized that I haven’t made a blog post since November. It’s not like I have nothing to say… quite the contrary, I have SO much to say. Let me start by wishing you all a Happy New Year and I know it will be a good one for you because you say so. 🙂
Lets start from November if I may. I rode my motorcycle out to Sedona, Arizona. It was a very spur of the moment Thanksgiving treat to myself. I had four days off and I got the itch. Well it seems that quite a few people got that ‘itch’ as well. After an eight hour motorcycle ride from Santa Monica, CA to Sedona, AZ you would think that I would be exhausted. Not! I was totally jazzed to hit the 5000 ft. elevation and cool air. I got my hotel room and headed out for a bite to eat. The bar I ate at was having Karaoke and I couldn’t resist. It was fun hanging with the locals. The next morning I put on my hiking shoes and headed up the road determined to hike Bell Rock. I figured I would stop in for a cup of Joe first at this funky bicycle shop aptly named ‘Sedona Bike & Bean’.

This is where I met Socrates and Angela who in turned introduced me to Peter Alan Gersten. Now Peter has an interesting story. Peter is a retired Deputy Public Defender from New York City who moved to Sedona in 2000. His goal was to get a certain number of people up to the top of Bell Rock before December 21st, which he did indeed accomplish. I, being one of those people. Most of the people who set out to Sedona to accomplish this feat had planned this venture. I had not. Mine was a chance meeting, or was it? Peter believes that I was mean’t to be there at that time and I tend to believe him. When we hiked up to the top of Bell Rock we were up there for quite a bit of time. A couple of hours if memory serves. It was extremely peaceful as I sat there meditating and understanding who I am and what my vision truly is. The letters were written there in the sky for me to see. Trust. Yeah. Trust.

I got to test this Trust issue I have while riding back to L.A.. At one of the rest stops, somewhere around Joshua Tree I believe, I stopped for gas and then headed down the highway. Well… about 15 miles down the road I realized that I left my backpack at the gas station. That backpack had my MacBook Pro, my QR3HD recorder, my wallet, my journal… basically, my life. I turned my bike around and started heading back to the rest area, reminding myself of my vision on top of Bell Rock. To trust. Everything happens for a reason and everything is perfect. I maintained that until I got to the gas station. My backpack was not where I left it. Shit! Ok. Calm down. Trust Dave. Trust. I walked into the station and there behind the counter was my backpack. The attendent saw me leave it. I am indeed blessed. Very much so. 🙂
On December 20th I gathered together with two of my friends; Yvonne and Sara. We did an all night meditation at the Yoga Nest. At 3:11am we were awake and meditating. Saying our prayers for the transitional shift that was happening at that time. It was beautiful and we were on fire the next day.
Now it is the New Year. 2013. I am ready for everything to come. I am open to all of the possibilities that will be presented to me. I will post more about what is happening musically with me soon. For the meantime please check out these links below.
Rage of Angels
Soon to come…
Various projects I’m working on including my time out in New York working with Eighth Day Nation.