Greetings! We’ve been a little quiet since NAMM, but that’s not because things aren’t happening, not by any stretch, actually quite the opposite!

We’ve been rushed off our feet since NAMM in Anaheim, where we were handing out USB cards with a preview version of our new single, ‘Lies That Bind’. The feedback we have been receiving so far has been fabulous. No sooner was NAMM over than David rushed off to Florida, where he is spending the month sailing around the Caribbean mixing with the rock greats. Of course, he’s been handing out USBs and is down to his last eight. Looks like we’ll have a collector’s item on our hands.
Alex and Joe are hustling for D.N.A. behind the scenes in Lisbon and Los Angeles, respectively, and amongst other things are preparing for the official release of ‘Lies That Bind’ in March. All being well we’ll have something really nice for you.
And Neil? Neil has been working on something very special. Even before D.N.A. got back together he was working on his new album, and in February it was released and is doing very well. Check out his band Trishula and their album Scared to Breathe, which is also the title of the first single from the album. Playing alongside Neil with Trishula is vocalist Jason Morgan and D.N.A. alumni, the awesome João Colaço on drums. Check out ‘Scared to Breathe’ below and online at all good streaming services. It’s great!