Control Issues

Welcome to Sunday, February 18th which is a 4 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the World card and combined with the energy of the 4 we are accepting that what is; is. With the World card, we have come to a completion and a new beginning in life. Acceptance is the word for today. I’m saying that as my phone has run out of data (again). Frustrating, but I have to look at what about this frustrates me?

I just came off of two weeks with ZERO service. It was refreshing, as I stated yesterday. So, if I analyze this a bit it’s possible that I need to focus even more on myself and let all of the band stuff on the internet just be. Let it work itself out as it should. It’s possible that I’m trying to control when I know inside that I can’t. It is what it is.

We have to accept that all of the work that we’ve done will move us in the direction that we are supposed to go. That is why we did all of the work, isn’t it? Trying to control anything will do nothing but frustrate you even further.


Today’s song is Loss of Control by Van Halen.

“You ain’t too civilized I think it’s time to go. Loss of Control.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

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