Cinco de Mayo

Happy Tuesday!
Today is a big day. Why, you ask? Not only is it Cinco de Mayo but its also my last day at my J.O.B. Scary and exciting all rolled into one package.

Living your highest truth is why we are here. When we aren’t living our highest truth that is when we get ‘blocked’. We forget that we are Spiritual ‘Be’ings having a human experience. We get caught up in the news, gossip, anything to distract us from what the source of the problem is.

Don’t get me wrong. Work is good for you to make money to live. Work is good to give you discipline and to create a base so you can eventually move on and do what you love. Long gone are the days where you worked a job for 20+ years. There are some, I’m sure, but they are rare.

When you finally take the leap, as I am today, it is scary. Why? Because its the unknown. When you are receiving a weekly paycheck you feel secure. You know that its going to be there so you can pay your bills, plan vacations, etc. The downside of that is that you know what your ceiling is. Yep. You know that you are making X amount and people in your ‘field’ make X amount. When you take the leap in doing what you love the ceiling is limitless. Depending on you, of course. Read my blog from a couple of days ago on ‘Self Sabotage’. You could do that and go back to your J.O.B. saying, “See. It didn’t work.”

How do you avoid that?

Surround yourself with like minded people. Tell those in the positions that you want to be in, what you are doing. Avoid telling your family (Haha), or at least the ‘worry warts’. There are a million people out there that will tell you how it will not work. Avoid them! Avoid telling them. Bless them and move on your way. 9 times out of 10 those people telling you that it won’t work have failed themselves. Here’s the flip side… the ones that are successes. The ones that you look up to have failed several times. Probably more times than the nay sayers. What is the difference? Well, as Thomas Edison was quoted as saying when they asked him how many experiments it took to create the lightbulb,

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”



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