Unconditional Love

Welcome to Mon., Oct. 30th which is a 5 in Numerology.

The 5 represents the 5 senses. All of our senses want to experience everything this life has to give us. Taste, touch, smell, seeing and hearing. The 5 esoterically will delve into the 6th sense around special people. Everything and anything is within the grasp of this energy.

With the combination of today’s card; Unconditional Love. They are both telling us that there is nothing on this earth plane that we can do that would make the Universe turn its back on us.

We are the only ones that put conditions on ourselves. It’s part of living in this unconscious world and believing that this is all that there is that makes us recede into those dark spaces—hiding from our true, authentic self. Afraid that the world will not accept us for who we really are so we put on a mask.

Today is a perfect day to not give a damn. It’s a day to test the waters and allow ourselves to show our true feathers.

Let your freak flag fly!

You will be surprised by how many others follow your lead and wave their banners high as well. And those that turn their nose up at you? Just know that deep within them, they are scared, just as you once were. Send them love. Send them unconditional love and pray that they might test the waters as well.

Today’s song of the day is ‘Colorful’ by the Verve Pipe.









#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #psychonaut #hippielife #onceamarinealwaysamarine #lifecoach #singersongwriter #unconditionallove #longhair

The Fog

Welcome to Sunday, Oct. 29th which is a 4 in Numerology. The 4 is; patience, perseverance, and directness. When dealing with 4 energy it is telling us that we don’t have to know everything to move forward. Trust is the key for today. If we move throughout today, just moving forward in the direction of our goals we will be fine. If we stop moving forward because we don’t have all of the answers then we will stop what we’ve been working hard to manifest.

The fog, as depicted in this card is letting us know this. It is telling us that there is, in fact, a silver lining just beyond our reach.


Why can’t we have what we want now?

Look back at everything good that has happened in your life, and the timing of it. Has anything ever truly amazing happened to you just because you wished it to be in that moment? Most likely not. I’m fairly confident in saying that it probably started out as an idea, then that idea manifested itself in action and then it came into the physical.

So again… keep moving forward and trust that this fog will eventually clear at the right time.

— Something New —

I’m going to start putting in a song for the day from now on. Something that I think will be relevant to the message for the day.
Today’s song is Zero 7 – In the Waiting Line.





#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #fog #oraclecards #lifecoach #singersongwriter #Zero7 #Inthewaitingline

The Flow of Prosperity

Welcome to Saturday, Oct. 28th which is a 3 in Numerology. The 3, as I’ve mentioned before is the trine. Father-Son-Holy Spirit, Heaven-Human-Earth… everything seems to be in 3s.
Being in the 3rd dimension we are somewhat limited to the laws here; Up, Down, Sideways, etc. But there are trapdoors that we don’t take advantage of through; meditation, medicinals such as Ayahuasca, or prayer which is a form of meditation and even writing down our dreams. All of these tools, or trapdoors, allow us to tap into our higher selves.

Too many of us fall into the trap thinking that we are stuck here in this sucky life until we die, that whatever is happening around us is all there is. Numbing ourselves out watching the television, getting intoxicated by the mindlessness of it all, trying to forget about our shitty day at the office, or numbing ourselves out with drugs or alcohol.

There is always a flow of prosperity around us; always. Just like an electrical current flowing through power lines, we don’t see it, but we know it is there. Like our cell phones as well… we know that we can call someone and no matter where they are we trust that their voice will magically appear on the other line.

Believing that there is a flow of prosperity around you is no different. It’s more than believing, it’s knowing.

If you wish you set up a Reiki session with me it’s easy. Shoot me an email at iamarocksinger@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you asap.

#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #psychonaut #singersongwriter #lifecoach #reiki #abundanceandprosperity #abundance #Ayahuasca

I am a Medicine Man

Welcome to Friday, Oct. 27th which is an 11.

The 11 in Numerology is the Master Teacher (The Medicine Woman / Medicine Man).

Last night we were talking a little bit about Master Numbers and why we see them? When we start seeing 11s everywhere our Angel guides are giving us a sort of thumbs up that we are on our path.

Today is a magical day to center ourselves and be the teacher. Sit on top of a mountain, conjure up the spirits around us. Listen to the wind tell its story. It tells us that it is just a ‘story’. We write our own stories, and like the wind, our stories change direction when we decide. Not when others decide for us.

What gifts do you have that you’ve been wanting to share with the world? Meditate on this to help you move more in that direction, and if your struggling with this… if you don’t believe that you have anything to offer, ask yourself why you believe this?

We all have a gift, otherwise, we wouldn’t be here. We also have a choice to not share our gifts. What is your choice?
What story do you now want to write?

Take a listen to this song by Robert Mirabal. The Medicine Man is also a human being. Being ‘spiritual’ does not mean you have to be perfect.
You are perfect in your imperfection.


#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #whatsyourstory #medicineman #medicinewoman #iseeelevensallthetime #reiki #singersongwriter


Welcome to Thursday., Oct. 26th which is a 1 in Numerology. The one is the creator, the Wizzard!

So many of us fight our true power. Yesterday I did a cover of Seals song ‘Crazy’. In the Bridge he sings, ‘In a world full of people, only some want to fly. Isn’t that crazy?’

Yes, it is crazy. Before we come down on this plane that we call ‘Earth’ we are perfect beings but after we come out of the womb we start getting amnesia. We start forgetting about how perfect we are. We bottle ourselves up with what we ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’ do as we learn from our parents, our friends, our leaders… society. We eventually are so clogged up with ‘stuff’ that we don’t even know who we are anymore. Now that is Crazy.

What if we could open that portal? What if we could peek into the other side to see who we really are? Take a moment today to stop. Ask yourself who you really are. Yes, that first thought that we push aside, saying it was silly, or that is impossible.


Remember… we are spiritual beings having a human experience, not the other way around. Like the waterfall in the card today. Life is effortless if we allow it to be. It flows no matter how much we resist.



#psychonaut #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #crazy #wearenevergoingtosurviveunlesswegetalittlecrazy #reiki #lifecoach

Fuck it. Do it anyway.

Welcome to Wed., Oct. 25th which is a 9 in Numerology. The 9 represents wisdom and completion.

As we walk down this road, (hopefully you are taking the road less traveled) there are risks that we are constantly taking. Not knowing what might be around the corner is stressful. What obstacles will we encounter? We never know. The fear of not knowing makes most quit, but when you have committed to your dream… quitting is not an option.

So whatever goal you are trying to achieve, know that it will not be easy. Know that there will be risks. Know that there will be obstacles.

You’ve chosen the road less traveled.

This is where wisdom is achieved.

Some might be born with a more intuitive sense than others, but for the most part, wisdom comes from experience and the harder the lesson, the wiser we become.
#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki#lifecoach #singersongwriter#theroadlesstraveled #fuckitriskit#ohwhatthefuckdoitanyway

Leggo my Ego

Welcome to Tuesday, Oct. 24th which is an 8 in Numerology. The 8 is the infinity symbol. Manifesting abundance and having inner-wisdom. Tapping into this inner wisdom we have a ‘knowing’. It’s something we can’t put into words, but it is there. As if an internal guidance system were directing us as we, on the surface… on this Earth plane are on auto-pilot. But there are some of us that choose to be an active player in this guidance system. The way we do that is through meditation. Through listening and trusting our ‘gut’ instincts. That is how to really ‘know’. There are those that are on autopilot that doesn’t understand this because they live in the Ego alone (Remember, we are 3 part beings). So we, that tap into this guidance system let those who aren’t… we let them go. We can guide them ourselves and possibly get them to tap into that guidance system as well, but if they choose not to that is ok. This is their dream, not ours. Fighting to get them to confront their demons only brings our energy to their level. Does that mean that we are superior to them? Not in the least. As I said… this is their dream or journey and maybe they need to learn more before they take that plunge. Either way, we learn from them to keep our own ego in check.
#psychonaut #leggomyego#davidreedwatson #thereikirocker #reiki#lifecoach #singersongwriter