Love is a doing word

Welcome to Monday, November 20th which is a 5 in Numerology.

The 5 represents stability or the attainment of greater stability. Curiosity, Freedom, and Change. It also represents the 5 senses, as well as unattachment.

Unattachment is what I would like to focus on today along with today’s card. Peace Offering.

When somebody says that they are sorry, why do we still have an attachment to what they were sorry for? Is it the trust of our own selves? Why are we not like a dog when spanked for peeing on the carpet? Does that dog forever regret doing what it did? No. Within a few minutes, they are back on our lap kissing our faces. They are unattached to the past.

Children are this way too until they are conditioned not to be. And why is that? They are usually conditioned to being sorry so that eventually the word sorry becomes part of their immediate vocabulary. They are sorry before they even do anything… just in case. I know… I still say I’m sorry a LOT. Even the most spiritual amongst us are still human. We are still learning and growing so when somebody says that we lack compassion it pisses us the fuck off. But, as a spiritual person, we look within ourselves to find out what the attachment is.

Being sorry has nothing to do with anybody but ourselves. It’s a self-worth issue. It’s feeling as if others are better than you are, or know better than you do. It’s ok to question yourself, your motives, and your actions. But it’s another thing altogether to do it all the time.

Remember… You are here for a reason. Those around you are here for a reason as well. We are all on this earth plane together, so why not get along? And as someone said recently, “If you didn’t have anything to learn you wouldn’t be here.”

Today’s song is; Teardrop by Massive Attack.

 “Love, love is a verb. Love is a doing word. Fearless on my breath.”




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From the Heart

Welcome to Sunday, November 19th which is a 4 in Numerology.

The 4 is cerebral and has that need to find ways to express its knowledge and wisdom. It symbolizes putting ideas into form. Combined with today’s card, ‘Write’, this can be a really powerful time to get those ideas to manifest into form.

Thoth, the God of the Moon, Magic, and Writing. It is believed that Hermes was a reincarnation of Thoth. Hermes wrote The Seven Hermetic Principles, and if you haven’t looked into those I highly suggest that you do. I want to concentrate, for this reading today, on writing and its importance.

Every morning I journal. I write 3 pages just after I wake up. It helps me remember my dreams and reflect past and present actions which allow my future to be more focused and compassionate. Writing has a way of pulling things out of your subconscious which without it, would be buried still. Sometimes when I am writing ideas or epiphanies will pop into my head. I literally have ‘ah-ha’ moments during these times.

A thought is a very powerful tool. It starts the manifestation process. But writing takes it a step further, like signing a contract… when you sign your name on the dotted line you are committing to something. Same goes in the manifestation process.

Usually, while I’m doing my cards and writings in the morning I have a certain piece of music that is soothing to me in the background. For the last year or so it has been ‘Baba Hanuman’ by Krishna Das. And to my surprise, one of my favorite musicians did a remake of it. It is absolutely beautiful and a must. It’s always nice to hear other rock musicians living this lifestyle as well.

So… let’s see what you can manifest today. I look forward to hearing what comes up for you!

Today’s song is; From the Heart by The Devin Townsend Project off of his new album, Transcendence.

 “Have I told you lately all that you mean to me? Have I told you that I love you?”


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New Moon in Scorpio

Welcome to Saturday, November 18th which is 3 in Numerology, and welcome to the New Moon in Scorpio!

I love the 3 because it is the number of the performing arts. It symbolizes the Trinity. You could say; Father, Son and Holy Ghost (as a lot of us protestants were taught growing up), or you could adopt a new thought. I personally have adopted a more internal concept because I know that putting my faith first outside of myself means that I don’t have to be held accountable. I have faith that my higher self, spirit, god… whatever you have personally adopted, is a part of ourselves, but, I also believe that whatever works for you is the path that you need to follow. The beautiful part about being human is that we are all different, and diversity should be praised, not suppressed.

Today’s card is; Let it Go.

Do you have issues with letting go? Do old habits or people have a tendency to pop back into your life when least expected? Well, with this New Moon in Scorpio it is reminding us that old trash might just be a treasure. If we look beneath the surface of the resurfaced we will know why they keep popping back into our lives.

Look at the patterns…

When these people come back into our lives, or these habits resurface, what is usually happening during that time? What is the lesson that you need to learn? Because the only reason they keep resurfacing is that you haven’t faced something.

Meditate on it and let it go.

It’s ok to let go.

Today’s song is; Marigolds from my old band The Constant.

“I wait until you’re whole and then when you’re you, I’ll bring you home.”



#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #marigolds #theconstant


Carry On

Welcome to Friday, November 17th which is an 11 in Numerology.

The Master Number 11 is usually called ‘the Illuminator’, ‘the Messenger’ or ‘the Teacher’, as those under the influence of this Master Number are here to be inspirational guiding lights, and their mission is to bring illumination to others and to help raise spiritual awareness. –

There are quite a few of us out there that feel the tug to be these aspects of the 11. We’ve gone through so much suffering, and for what reason? Those healers we seek out; the wise, the illuminated, the teachers, their wisdom comes from suffering. We all suffer, but it’s those that take that suffering and turn it into something positive… those are the shamans that we seek out in dark forests or mountaintops. We seek them out to be enlightened.

Why don’t we allow ourselves to accept suffering?

Think of every trauma that you’ve endured. You’ve handled it somehow, you’ve made it through it all and yet the ‘idea’, or the ‘thought’ of enduring what you went through stops you dead in your tracks.


The ‘thought’ of suffering is far worse than the actual suffering itself. If we can accept this we could move forward gleefully in all things we do because we wouldn’t allow the fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) of suffering to stop us.

Some people I know do things that scare the shit out of them just to prove to themselves that the fear is nothing more than a thought. They jump out of airplanes, bungee jump, ski down a steep slope, or something not life-threatening at all like; standing naked in front of a group of people.

Whatever your fear of suffering is… confront it. Prove to yourself that nothing can stop you.

Today’s song is; Carry On from a project I did with a dear friend of mine, Chris Melekyan and his band Mysticity.

“Carry On. It is senseless to give in to your despair. Do not stop, just carry on. You know the daylight can erase the trace of darkness.”





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Always look on the bright side of Life!

Welcome to Thursday, November 16th which is a 1 in Numerology.

The 1 carries the energy of new beginnings, a fresh start, inspiration.

The past is the past and the only way to change the past is to accept it for what it was. If you are unwilling to change the past or don’t believe that you can. I use this analogy…

Look at the past as an old pair of sneakers, you’ve worn them for years and you just can’t part with them because they are so comfortable. You LOVE these sneakers. But you also know that you can run faster and without pain if you get a new pair. It’s a tough decision because these sneakers have run many a mile with you and they are quite sentimental. You go to the shoe store and you figure you’ll just try on a pair to see what they feel like. You aren’t convinced. They are stiff and you are very hesitant. Remind yourself that your old sneakers were once as stiff when they were new. You know deep down inside that you have to wear these new ones in. But the fear is gripping because you know that you’ll have to eventually part with these as well.

If you’re anything like me, you’ve hung on to old things as well. But eventually, you’ll look at these sneakers and ask yourself why you didn’t get a new pair a long time ago.

Fear is gripping. The comfort and pain that you are going through right now are much less fearful than the unknown. It’s taking baby steps in those sneakers until eventually, you are comfortable.

So today’s card is perfect. It’s ‘Positive thoughts create positive results.’

If you think that change is going to suck, then it will. If you see the bright side of everything it will be much easier to cruise through this life.

It’s only befitting that today’s song should be from Monty Python! They said it best in the movie, ‘The Life of Brian’.

‘Always look on the bright side of life.’

“When you’re chewing on life’s gristle. Don’t grumble, give a whistle.”


#thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #reiki #psychonaut #lifecoach #oraclecards #longhair #singer #songwriter #lightworker #montypython #alwayslookonthebrightsideoflife #Thelifeofbrian


Welcome to Wednesday, November 15th which is a 9 in Numerology.

The 9 is about completion, harmony, and meditation. The day of rest where everything you’ve done up to now makes you who you are. If you aren’t accepting of it then it is a time for a change, but first, meditate on it. No drastic, immediate changes. That’s what has gotten you in trouble in the past.

Today’s card is Innocence. What is innocence?

When looking inward innocence is recognizing that although we are flawed we are like children. We are perfect. Deep inside we all just want to be loved, it’s our earthly self that thinks of all of this as bullshit. Our earthly self is the one that masks our hatred for ourselves with earthly possessions, comfort foods, addictions, etc. We keep ourselves busy with our ‘jobs’ (Just Over Broke) so we can buy more shit.

Once you start giving all of that up, at least the ‘need’ for it, that is when doors start opening for you, and they also close old stories that you’ve bought into for so long.

I understand though why people wouldn’t want to truly look at themselves. It’s hard to do. It’s difficult to heal those old wounds that you’ve inflicted on others… and on yourself.

Forgive yourself and then you will be able to forgive others. Baby steps. Don’t beat yourself up anymore. Start treating people like you wish to be treated, but if they don’t reciprocate, it’s ok… let it go. It’s their story, not yours.

Today’s song is; Change Me from my old band Shallow Man Down

“Can you change me from inside out? Will you change me from inside out?”


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The Swan

Welcome to Tuesday, November 14th which is an 8 in Numerology.

The 8 is about personal power, self-confidence, and inner strength. Combined with today’s card, The Swan, it is giving us a hint of who we can become… The Swan.

I’m sure you’ve heard the story of the Ugly Duckling before. The Ugly Duckling hides away, picked on, ridiculed until one day it becomes a beautiful swan. Take that analogy and mirror it unto yourself. The Ugly Duckling is you and your perception of yourself. Once you shed away your fears, bad self-perception, old stories, etc., that is when you become the Swan.

There is a reason that we see more Ugly Ducklings than Swans.

So few shed their feathers and hide in their old stories. The ones where they were abused, mentally, physically and emotionally. The ones where somebody said something to them that ‘made’ them who they are now. You will never become a Swan until you can leave those old stories behind.

Understand that in this paradigm that we live in that there will always be ‘good’ and ‘bad’, ‘happy’ and ‘sad’, etc. We have to accept both of them as equal partners because the Swan knows that you’ll never know true happiness until you’ve experienced true sadness.

So embrace the good times and the bad times. Own them. Experience them. Cry when you need to cry, laugh when you feel like laughing. And don’t give a care about what somebody might say about you. This is your dream, not theirs.

Today’s song is; Broken Hero from my band DNA from a few years ago.

“You have to let go of the past and move forward and capture that inner warrior, healing that hero in you. Heed this call to yourself just this one time.”


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