Six of Cups

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Today’s card is the Six of Cups. Shakti – Sacred Feminine Energy

This card is about embracing the male and female energies. You don’t need to be female to tap into the sacred feminine. There is a balance of each in every one of us. Most of us are imbalanced and I believe that is why we have most of the problems on this planet right now.

Balancing these male and female energies is extremely important. We’re seeing young people rise up against Global Warming, the MeToo Movement, Social Inequality between the sexes… and on the opposite side we see male dominant energies fighting for their lives by denying all of it, trying to suppress the masses with ‘fake news’ (which they created only to make us doubt our own selves), denying climate change, having a president that we’ve somehow been ok with his womanizing behavior making ‘grabbing the pussy’ a household word. We’re seeing the breakdown of religion which has suppressed the masses for so long as well. All of this is now coming to a head where we will either annihilate our species or we will give in and start working together.

I believe in balance.

I believe that with all of the negative energies around us right now, we have equal positive energies as well and eventually they will polarize so much, creating such unrest that we will have no choice but to balance them.

Where are you off balance? What parts of your life have you suppressed yourself? What are you willing to give up or take in to balance yourself? Possibly embracing Yoga? Meditation? Proper Nutrition?

It’s time for us as a society to rid ourselves of these old ideas and start embracing this new idea that we are God. We are powerful beings, not servants to money, religion, corporations… but true power. The power of love, of unity, of togetherness.


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Ten of Wands

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Are you feeling a bit overwhelmed?
I told you in our last reading what is going on in my life so it’s not worth the redundancy because quite honestly, even with all of the stress… I chose this life. I have accepted it fully with all of it’s glories and pitfalls.

So what do we do to deal with this feeling of being overwhelmed?

The negatives are drugs, booze, anything that will mask the feeling but not really fixing the issue at hand. The best way is to face it head on.
Fuck it! What can it really hurt?
I’ll be the first one to tell you that every once in awhile I succumb to my vices but for the most part I will spend time alone, in meditation, in reflection, and in appreciation of where I am and how I got here. I count my blessings because I do notice the less fortunate around me. We all go into our pity parties, and it’s usually with the people that we feel safest around. The down side is that side seems to be more prevalent than the lighter side that the rest of the world gets to see all of the time.

I’ve learned the hard way that you can’t dump on your lovers or your friends repeatedly hoping that they have the answers to fix your problems. All it’s going to do is drive them away. That is why it is imperative to have good quality downtime with yourself, nobody else. Stare in the mirror and ask yourself about yourself. Really dig deep.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s ok. Just know that it is a temporary situation that will pass as long as you take a deep breath and allow it all to flow around you.


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You Matter


For the last week my sister Nicole and I have been driving around the lower part of the UK. We’ve been down to the Southwest of England and up to the top of Wales to the mountains of Snowdonia, and over to the East Midlands where I am staying until October. During these drives, the scenery, the people, the spontaneous ‘squirrel’ moments that we share… there is a common bond. We both enjoy life as much as we can. I’ve noticed these aspects in her and it has helped me feel like I am on the right track, that I’m really not a bad person and that I do have something to contribute to this world,

I have been cruel to myself for so many years that it is sometimes hard to pull myself out of this emotional gutter. As soon as anything goes wrong in my life I ask myself what I’ve done wrong? I’ve worked hard throughout the years to conquer this feeling by balancing it, by helping others whenever and however I can. As a writer, a singer, I do my best to bring out words that will help others think, that will make others feel like they matter.

The thoughts of ‘I don’t matter’ have been painstakingly replaced with ‘I do matter’. I say painstakingly because when you grow up in an environment of believing that you aren’t good enough, trying to turn that around seems like you are being selfish. Even though I don’t go down this deep dark hole that I used to go down, I do still feel that stabbing pain, as dull as it might feel now, it is still there.

Like attracts Like.

It’s imperative for us to look at our relationships. They are mirrors of ourselves. If we expect that somebody is going to take us away from all of our buried bullshit, think again. There is an old saying that I repeat to myself over and over again when encountering new relationships, or people in my life… You cannot attract what you are not.

Whatever vibration that we hold within ourselves is what will come into our lives. If we have a spiteful, hateful, and cruel vibration then that same vibration will enter our lives. [go to my webpage to read the full transcript]


Wheel of Fortune

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Today’s card is the Wheel of Fortune. They say that life is cyclical, not linear. We aren’t just born, live, then die. There is so much more to a life than just that. So why do we live this way? We know that the Moon revolves around the Earth, and the Earth around the Sun. We know that trees bloom in the spring and then die in the fall. We see this all around us and yet think we are separate from it all.

If we learn to ease into life just as nature does, if we stop struggling and start going with the flow, trusting that no matter what our lives will be ok, then that is when the magic begins. Recognizing that when you have a down period there will inevitably be an up.

When we live with linear thought we can’t conceive that life will eventually be good after a bad period in our lives. We struggle and struggle to be happy, to conform to the rat race, pretend that everything is ok so that when we reach the end of the line we will have people who care about us, near us.

Believe me… I get it.

As of today I have 11 days left here in England before I head back to the US. Head back to what? I don’t know. I don’t know where I am going to live, what I’m going to do about work, how I’m going to get around besides my bicycle and motorcycle. There are a million and one questions bouncing around my head right now. But you know what? I KNOW something good is going to happen. I TRUST that the universe will provide for me. I ALLOW it all to flow around me.

Just Breathe. Just Know. Just Trust. Just Allow.

#wheeloffortune #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

Nine of Swords

For the last week my sister Nicole and I have been driving around the lower part of the UK. We’ve been down to the Southwest of England and up to the top of Wales to the mountains of Snowdonia, and over to the East Midlands where I am staying until October. During these drives, the scenery, the people, the spontaneous ‘squirrel’ moments that we share… there is a common bond. We both enjoy life as much as we can. I’ve noticed these aspects in her and it has helped me feel like I am on the right track, that I’m really not a bad person and that I do have something to contribute to this world,

I have been cruel to myself for so many years that it is sometimes hard to pull myself out of this emotional gutter. As soon as anything goes wrong in my life I ask myself what I’ve done wrong? I’ve worked hard throughout the years to conquer this feeling by balancing it, by helping others whenever and however I can. As a writer, a singer, I do my best to bring out words that will help others think, that will make others feel like they matter.

The thoughts of ‘I don’t matter’ have been painstakingly replaced with ‘I do matter’. I say painstakingly because when you grow up in an environment of believing that you aren’t good enough, trying to turn that around seems like you are being selfish. Even though I don’t go down this deep dark hole that I used to go down, I do still feel that stabbing pain, as dull as it might feel now, it is still there.

Like attracts Like.

It’s imperative for us to look at our relationships. They are mirrors of ourselves. If we expect that somebody is going to take us away from all of our buried bullshit, think again. There is an old saying that I repeat to myself over and over again when encountering new relationships, or people in my life…

You cannot attract what you are not.

Whatever vibration that we hold within ourselves is what will come into our lives. If we have a spiteful, hateful, and cruel vibration then that same vibration will enter our lives. We have many different kind of relationships; friends, lovers, business partners, co-workers, family… all of which are different. Start gravitating towards the relationships that make you feel like you are on the right path. That is a good start.


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Princess of Cups

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Today’s card is the Princess of Cups.

The dreamer!

There is something to be said about being spontaneous. You’re usually not thinking, you are just acting. It’s a realm I live in as much as I can. The romantic in me sees each new adventure as something magical, and because I have this child-like wonderment built into me there isn’t a whole lot that really bothers me… usually when something does bother me it is pretty short lived.

What I am learning to do is take these dreams inside of me and really feel them, I’m doing my best not to brush them off as pipe-dreams or silly childish aloofness. By feeling these feelings I am manifesting them into reality. Meditation helps this. I do this best when on a bicycle, or hiking. My heart is beating, my breath is heavy, but I’m smiling and manifesting my dreams into reality.

There are people in our life that will tell us this is a ridiculous way to live. That our aloofness will get nothing really done in society. I’m learning this to be a false idea. Believe me, I’ve played the roll of ‘responsible’ and it has only made me miserable.

Does this mean to fuck off and shirk whatever responsibilities you might have in the ‘real world’? No, not at all. It’s saying just not to ‘adult’ all the time. Find that inner child and make sure you nurture it with love and kindness. You will have a much fuller life, you will be happy, the people around you will be happy, it will be a win-win for everybody.

Today, make some free-time in your ‘adulting’ and let your imagination roam. Feel it. Cry if you need to. Even if it’s only for a 5min break in your work day. No need to tell anybody about it, just do it.


#princessofcups #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi

Three of Disks


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Today’s card comes as no surprise. Work.

Yesterday while spending time with my sister we went to Stonehenge and then last night stayed in a little town called ‘Avebury’. The last time I was here was with my Ex and her Mom. As it would be, my Ex had deleted me off of Facebook either that morning or the day before. It totally triggered me even though it was something as silly as that.
A friend of mine told me that I need to do the work. I needed to delve deeper into my spiritual practice. She was right in a way, I had been traipsing around it. I guess I was just expecting a bit more empathy for my pitiful feelings at the time. Ha!

A Spiritual Practice is just that… Practice.

There are times that our ego gets bruised and we go into a pity party with ourselves searching for our ‘blanky’ for comfort. And that is ok, but then it’s back to the work.
Having these moments does not mean that you are going backwards, that you haven’t learned anything. It just means that there is more to learn.
There is always more to learn.

But… if you find yourself ALWAYS in this pity party land then it’s time to find out why? Have you really done the work or is it just a facade to make you feel and look good? That’s a tough question to ask and I only ask it because I ask it of myself as well. It keeps me in check.

Do the work.


#threeofdisks #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi