The Lord of Love


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Good Morning… today’s card is the two of Cups.

The Lord of Love.

The cups have been coming up a lot in the last few months. Cups are about emotions. I’ve mentioned the depiction of this card before. There are three hands embracing this young woman. The third hand is herself learning to love herself.

The 2 represents duality. Embracing the duality within ones self. The duality or opposite of Love is Fear. I know that for myself there has been a lot of fear in just letting go. Like I’ve mentioned to you in previous readings, I have an easier time loving the masses than getting close to an individual. I’ve also mentioned that practicing transparency for me is the only way to get to the bottom of this. .
A good way to recognize fear is by looking at how you treat others. Do you lash out often at others? Why? Do you shut people out when you don’t agree with them? Why?

Life is a mirror. Look at it this way. When you find yourself doing any of these negative things you are really in fear mode talking about yourself. There is no other way to look at it. If you can’t be intimate with an individual you are not intimate with yourself. Look at that the next time you freak out.

On the opposite side of the coin when you are loving others, showing compassion, recognizing others for who they inherently are we are allowing ourselves to love ourselves.

I was told by someone close to me to write, write, write. Write about the good things I’ve done. Write about what I like about me. Don’t focus on your flaws, you know those intimately. Get to know the positive side of yourself intimately and your life will completely change.


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Six of Cups

Welcome to the first day of September! Today’s card is the Six of Cups. Pleasure!

Taking a look at the card we see an old man embracing a young woman. This is depicting the feeling of youth no matter what age. This card isn’t only about sex, although sex is awesome!

This card is about Shakti. Shakti is about the power of the divine feminine. Both male and female have feminine energy but many of us don’t tap into it because we’ve been led to believe that we are either/or. It’s about balance. It’s about tapping into that feminine energy and embracing the power, the creativity, and it’s strength.

Think of the power of an orgasm. What would it feel like to have that feeling throughout everything we do, through everyone we touch both physically and emotionally? From deep sobbing cries to belly laughs. Sharing your true essence with others is of the utmost importance, especially in this day and age where you can hide behind a screen.

I’ve struggled with this in my life. I’ve struggled with intimacy and sharing of my true self with others, especially those closest to me. I’ve destroyed many relationships. I know they say that it takes two to tango but I can’t be responsible for anybody but myself. I’ve hidden behind a microphone as if it was a shield warding off others from getting too close. What have I been hiding from for so long? 

I’ve hidden my true self in fear of ridicule and not being good enough. I should say that I did that up until now. Now I am committed to transparency.

What would it look like to have complete transparency? What does that look like to you? I know for myself it scares the shit out of me. But I am committed to being this way because for far too long in my life I haven’t and it doesn’t work. I’m committed to doing the work. Are you?

The Emperor


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Good Morning! Today’s card is The Emperor. This is a card about owning your power. It’s about making a stand for yourself and others when nobody else will.

I’m reminded of Greta Thunberg, a 16 yr old girl who is leading the climate change movement. She is so passionate about changing this paradigm that it was inevitable that she would become a world leader.

What are you so passionate about that nothing else matters? You see, being a leader isn’t anything more than having this kind of passion. Nobody sets out to say, “I’m going to be a World Leader”. No… their actions are what make them that, and most of them will tell you that they don’t want that kind of responsibility. That is why they do their best to raise others up to share their burden. Burden probably isn’t the right word, but my point is that they want their passion to be all inclusive.

Let’s face it… the leaders that we have in our world right now are no; Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Martin Luther King. The leaders we have right now (for the most part) do NOT lead by example. They are narcissistic, self-absorbed, self-serving individuals.

In the included picture you see my guitarist of Kill Ritual staring at me. I love this shot, but it has nothing to do with the picture but of Kill Ritual. We wrote a song called ‘Megalomaniac’ off of our ‘All Men Shall Fall’ album. Although this song was personally written about Trump this could be said of any of our power hungry leaders right now.

In summary… Be a leader that is going to inspire others to become the best expression of themselves.


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The Fool


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Good Morning and welcome to the New Moon in Virgo. This a SuperMoon, and as always there are no coincidences, I pulled the Fool Card which is the first card in the tarot that is saying to us… .
Infinite Possibilities!!!

I want to thank a friend of mine for helping to bring out this information today. .
If you are God and you are infinite, you know everything, nothing is new to you because you are the all knowing. How would you feel? Maybe a bit lonely? Maybe bored?

In Neale Donald Walsch’s book, Conversations With God, it is written that God put us down here so that we could experience that which God could not experience. Before we come down here we are a part of God. By separating ourselves from God we go through birth, a kind of amnesia. We forget that we are a part of God.

This is not cruelty on God’s part. This is God having the joy of experiencing everything. Death, Birth, Life, Love, Sex, Power, Poverty, Hate, Cruelty, Distrust, Fear….. the list is endless. There is no such thing as ‘Good’ or ‘Bad’ because everything is just an experience. It doesn’t matter because we all die and go back to being one.

Here is the catch, and this is me making this up… The closer we get to remembering who we actually are, we forget again. We forget again because we are here to experience, not ‘know’. We already know. .
Did you ever notice that once you thought you knew something there seems to be yet another onion layer to pull back? But instead of recognizing that the onion is eternal, we go into a beat-up mode. We start the self loathing because we’ve worked so hard to become ‘spiritual’.

Today, know that you can create anything that you desire. It’s easy. They say that there is no difference between manifesting a Dollar or a Million Dollars. The only difference is our belief in whether we can or can’t.

Go out and experience today. Re-Member something that you’ve forgotten from before your birth.


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Wherever you go. There you are.

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Wherever you go. There you are.

This picture was taken when I lived in Los Angeles. I had just joined Sweet Home Alabama which was (is) a Lynyrd Skynyrd Tribute Band. Over the course of my time with them we played biker bars, various clubs, to moving the band out to Las Vegas. My buddy Jeff has always been the driving force and has become quite successful with it even after my departure from the band.

In a way I am reminiscing but at the same time I’m reminded of all of the different hats we wear throughout our lives. I’ve personally worn so many that my family has given up trying to label me.

There has been one running theme throughout my hat collection. I am always thriving to better myself. I am always pushing the limit no matter how uncomfortable it gets. Sometimes though I need a push. 

Today I woke up feeling a bit melancholy wondering if I should have taken the blue pill, played the game like most do? It’s an odd feeling. I remember what it was like playing the game years ago. The wife, the house, the dog. I can’t say it was a bad life. I was happy a lot of the time. I have close friends that are content with this type of life. I honor them for their choice. I’ve seen their kids grow up, I see them growing older together. Their peaceful existence perils my chaotic one. I feel as if they are shaking their heads wondering when I’m just going to finally settle down.

Where are you in your life? Do you feel like you’ve made choices that you might regret? If so… what are you willing to do to change that?

My opening theme here; Wherever you go. There you are, is asking us If we are running away from a side of ourselves that we don’t like, it won’t matter. We will still be there. You may mask it with different hats but the feeling that you carry inside will be wearing the same hat as when you started this journey.

Try on new hats when you feel a need to change, and at the same time ask yourself if you are running away from something. If you are not, then by all means try on that new hat. If it fits, wear it.


The Ten of Cups


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Today’s card is the 10 of Cups. Satiety.
I am satisfied.
Think of your life right now as a pie chart. Take each slice and label it; Relationship with yourself, Relationship with your family, Relationship with your friends, Relationship with your money, Relationship with your health, and Relationship with God/Higher Self/Spirit/Earth.
Take these 6 areas and fill each one on a scale from 1 to 10. Now step back and look at the graph. As a whole are all of the bars even all the way around? If they are you are a very balanced soul. If they are not, like most of us, take the one that is the lowest and write down things you can do to bring that up to the level of the highest one. You can do this by looking at the highest one and ask yourself what you do to make that one at that level. Let’s take money. Let’s say that is the highest one. Do you work hard for your money? What aspects of this can you incorporate into the lowest bar on the pie chart?
Today, I want you to grab a pencil and eraser and fill in this chart. I want you to focus on these differences and see if you can even out all of these areas. Take this as a side project for the next couple weeks, month, or even year. Break it up into different categories where you feel you need to concentrate.
Your real work begins when you recognize what needs to be focused on instead of ignoring it. They don’t go away, they linger around until you finally do the work.
What are you waiting for?
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Queen of Swords

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Today’s card is the Queen of Swords. She is very perceptive. She knows all and sees all. This is both a blessing and a curse. Knowing all and seeing all with the ego creates someone who could fall into the trap of having to be ‘right’, and I’ve told you what I feel about right and wrong… it’s a very grey area.
On the positive side, this person can see things and not get emotionally tied or feel that they need to correct things outside of themselves. Guiding others might be a good way to go though. Someone in this position might make a great arbiter.
Today, notice where you become emotionally invested, especially if it’s to your detriment. We have a tendency to put our foot in our mouths and instead of apologizing we bury the shoe even further [up our ass] just to save our foolish pride.
It’s ok to make mistakes. We all do it. Just be more aware of when you do it and learn from it. Like I said the other day, it’s called a spiritual practice for a reason.
Practice, Practice, Practice.
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