Today’s card is the 4 of Wands. The Lord of Completion.
Today I decided I was going to start up Yoga. My old roommate owns a Yoga Studio in Marina del Rey called The Yoga Nest and she would have to drag my ass out of the house to come. But today I feel anew. There has been a shift from the old routines and patterns I’ve held onto for far too long.
Since I’ve been here in The UK I’ve gotten back on my bicycle, I’ve been hiking, and I’ve been singing like a bird. I’ve written lyrics for 4 of the Alchemy Fire songs and we head into Monster Trax Studio on Monday to lay a few of them down.
With completion comes renewal.
Are you feeling stuck right now? Are you in a dead end job? A failing relationship? Do you feel like you’re on a hamster wheel?
I get it. When we get stuck we feel like there is no solution. We feel doomed, resigned, scared. We need something or someone to shake the tree. Dust off the old leaves that have been long dead and just clinging on to old memories or beliefs.
It’s going to take a jumpstart to do this. You’re going to have to get out of your comfort zone. You’re going to have to say, ‘Fuck it’ and just do it.
Find a friend that thinks out of the box. Tag along a bit, as uncomfortable as it might be for you. Release control and let your soul be free. You will never regret this. I promise.