Solar Plexus Chakra

Welcome to Monday, April 2nd which is an 8 in Numerology.

Today’s card is the Queen of Cups. She is much different than yesterday’s fire sign of the Prince. She is water, fluid, moving… but easily swayed. She is the conductor so when she is combined with the other signs she can amplify that sign to either bring out the best or the worst depending on the vibration and awareness of the other sign.

All of your psychic abilities and natural talents are amplified today if you choose to tap into this source and combined with today’s numerological number 8 (Infinity) there is a need to give and receive. Trust your intuition.

Trust is a tough word in today’s society. We have a tendency not to trust anyone or anything but if you breathe deep, evaluate the situation and then listen to your gut (Your third Chakra: Solar Plexus) and trust your gut the answer will be readily available for you.

Common Solar Plexus Chakra Problems

Western Society is very goal and action-oriented. We get caught up in ‘doing’ instead of ‘being’. I like to use this analogy… “Be Do Have”. For example: If we are Being happy we end up doing things that make us happy and as a result, we have happiness. Our society is very caught up in the “Do Have Be”. For example: If I do things, I will have things and then I’ll be happy. It’s a very backward concept.

So a good way to clear your Solar Plexus of this old paradigm thought pattern is to take out time to meditate every day, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. It’s not the quantity, it’s the quality. Another thing you might want to do is start working with weights. Strengthening exercises give us a physical power that can translate over to help our mental power. Think of your 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) as a battery pack. If it is depleted we have a tendency to start taking care of others before we take care of ourselves. When we do this we get lost. We start looking outside of ourselves for answers.

Today’s song is U R The Answer by Michael Bernard Beckwith.

“Do you want to be whole? Do you want a healing? Do you want to live life fully? Take a breath. You are the Answer.”

(Pronounced ‘Guy – Ali – Eh – LEE – Shay – He’)
(Cherokee for ‘I appreciate you’)

If you would like to set up a Reiki Session or get Personal Coaching, send me a message here or fill out the form below.

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