First I would like to say Rabbit! Rabbit! It’s the first day of the month and what a month this is going to be! We’ve got a full moon starting tomorrow and then another one on the 15th! That’s two full moons in one month. So keep your moodiness in check. Believe me, I’m feeling it already. Also, Venus goes retrograde on the 25th in Leo (my sign), then Uranus goes retrograde on the 26th at 20 degrees Aries. What is all of this saying? It’s going to be a weird, flakey month. So when you get down in the dumps know that these aspects are following you around, you and everybody else.
So, why have I called this episode The Glass Half Empty? Well, I’ve noticed myself as of late getting caught up in everything that is going on in the world. Possible war with Russia, Jade Helm, financial crisis in Greece, etc. I consider myself a dreamer, but I’m also a realist. I watch what goes on but I do my best to keep myself in check and not get caught up in it. That does not mean that I ignore it. Being aware of what is going on around the world allows us to change the world. Change ourselves. Change our immediate environment. I believe that when we get caught up in all of this negative energy it compounds and spreads like a virus. It means that you have to be even more positive and, as Monty Python says, Always look on the Bright Side of Life. So approach all of the crap going on around us with a Glass Half Full attitude. When you approach it this way you start noticing the beauty around you and when you start noticing the beauty around you the people around you start changing. It’s the Law of Attraction. What you focus on becomes your reality. So yes, there is a lot of shit going on right now, there is no ignoring it. So what can you do about it? Instead of saying, nothing, focus on the positive and change yourself and your immediate environment.
Have you ever heard about the Tipping Point? I read this book by Malcolm Gladwell back around when 9/11 happened. Malcolm explains in the book that once people believe something individually that at a certain point it will spread like wildfire and eventually everybody will believe this. The news media today believes this 100%. They know that if they feed you enough information that eventually everyone will believe it, even for those that don’t read the news. In other words, gossip. Every one of my friends know that I don’t watch TV or listen to the radio and I will research everything that I am told from several sources. Believe me, the chain mail that my family sends I will send them back a link to Snopes. I know that it’s easy to get caught up in gossip, rumors and just plain bullshit if you hear it enough. It happens to the best of us. I was talking with a few friends the other night about how we’ve lost the art of debate. Everybody wants to be right all of the time and not listen to another persons point of view. We are quick to judge and quick to say that somebody is wrong just because we don’t believe what they believe. Change is the only constant in this world and if you are unwilling to listen to another’s opinion, whether you believe it or not, then they are doing the same thing back at you.
So this month, be open to new ideas. Be open to another persons perspective. Whether you agree or not you might just learn something. And that alone will change your world.